Écrivez un ou deux paragraphes décrivant votre produit ou vos services.
A Last
May 2021
Madame Brassart has lived a good life, and is no longer capable of doing much today. She wishes to end her life. Her granddaughter and accomplice, Lidia, supports her in this act, without fully realizing the ordeal that awaits.
This short film was made as part of the Bachelor's in Media Technology at UPHF, created for the CROUS 2021 short film competition on the theme "2050".
Directing / Editing
What's the time in the real world ?
May 2020
In March 2020, countries worldwide began declaring mandatory lockdowns due to Covid-19. Seven months after my arrival in Canada and over 5000km away from my family, I found myself stuck with several friends, waiting for the pandemic to end and the borders to reopen. Confined and with no classes, time dragged on, so we had to find activities to stave off boredom. Thus, amidst lofty ambitions, football, wild ideas, and even filming, this movie recounts the 2 months of confinement spent with friends in the remote town of Rouyn-Noranda.
This film was created for the second practical exercise (TP2) of the Directing class: lighting, stage space, and filmic space at UQAT (Université de Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue).
Directing / Editing
Chicken Adventure
November 2019
It's the story of an egg hatching and moving forward on a conveyor belt...
Creation of a character animation and motion design to the music of our choice using After Effects, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Done as part of TP1 for the Moving Image course: production and graphic processing at UQAT (Université de Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue).
Directing / Motion Design
The Brief History of French Cinema
October 2020
Creation of a motion design animation on the history of French cinema for the D'RUSH show.
Directing / Motion Design
Le Hangar
June 2021
Live streaming of a video game competition. During this event, 6 players compete live in various video games. Similar project to the Z-Lan event organized by the French streamer Zerator.
Creation of an audiovisual project other than a short film for the end of the Bachelor's degree in Media Technology at UPHF.
Production Direction / Technical Direction / Aftermovie and Show Editing / Scripting / Motion Design / Writing
Aftermovie of the Live stream
November 2019
Advertisement inspired by the ads from the French dating site AdopteUnMec.com, profiling a certain "category" of men found on their site. Here we chose to create an imaginary site: AdopteUnChum.com, and, like the French site, create the Bad Boys category.
Editing a 30-second or 1-minute advertisement from images of the film "Family First", created for the first practical work of the editing course at UQAT (Université de Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue).
Tracking 3D / Motion Design
March 2020
Advertisement on the DailyArt app. An app that introduces its users to a new piece of art every day.
Creation of a chosen advertisement, including motion design and compositing. Done as part of the final project for the Moving Image course: production and graphic processing at UQAT (Université de Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue).
Editing / 3D Tracking (replacing paintings from 0:03 to 0:07) / Motion Design
ESN Parties (ESN Tallinn)
Septembre 2022 - Mai 2023
Aftermovies au format reels des soirées organisées par l'ESN Tallinn pour les étudiants Erasmus.
Cadrage / Montage
Love fr (Zemi)
Janvier 2024
Clip du type vidéo de vacances pour l'artiste allemand Zemi.
Cadrage / Montage
ESN Parties (ESN Tallinn)
Septembre 2022 - Mai 2023
Aftermovies au format reels des soirées organisées par l'ESN Tallinn pour les étudiants Erasmus.
Cadrage / Montage / VFX
ESN Parties (ESN Tallinn)
Septembre 2022 - Mai 2023
Aftermovies au format reels des soirées organisées par l'ESN Tallinn pour les étudiants Erasmus.
Cadrage / Montage / VFX
Pirates of the Baltic Sea (ESN Finland)
mai 2021
Aftermovie de l'évènement Pirates of the Baltic Sea, une croisière étudiante entre Helsinki et Stockholm
Cadrage / Montage / Motion Design
Pirates of the Baltic Sea (ESN Finland)
mai 2021
Aftermovie de l'évènement Pirates of the Baltic Sea, une croisière étudiante entre Helsinki et Stockholm
Cadrage / Montage / Motion Design
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